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Best Practices in Employee Surveys

Best Practices in Employee Surveys

A Workshop from Douglas A. Klein, Author of The Enthusiastic Employee

Come and learn how to design, execute and analyze employee surveys while developing develop actionable results for stakeholders.

Well-crafted employee surveys can improve business results. But they’re not the same as surveys of the general public. They have specific opportunities and constraints.

During this presentation, you’ll learn the who, what, how and why of employee surveys. We’ll cover writing, conducting, analyzing, and presenting employee surveys within organizations. The 90 minute presentation will include sections on:

1. The why and what of company surveys, how constructs are measured, and overcoming management resistance. This section will cover the types of questions that work best in employee surveys, including standard batteries and scale point recommendations. 2. Administrative best practices such as governance, principles, process, and practices that enhance data utilization. Dos and don’ts in conducting employee surveys; the kinds of response rates you need and should expect. 3. Analysis and Presentation Recommendations. Ways employee surveys are typically analyzed, including inferential and descriptive analyses; linking analyses to business results; visual displays that are most successful with senior executives. 4. Data Utilization: An introduction to Action Strategies with Examples. How to use the results of an employee survey to develop recommendations. About the Workshop Facilitator:

Douglas A. Klein Founder, Small Cap Survey & Consulting LLC

Doug has spent 30 years leading, managing, and mentoring organizations and people using his global HR consulting experience rooted in organizational survey and assessment, analytics and action. He has directly or indirectly managed surveys in over 400 companies covering more than 9 million employees. Combining a unique blend of quantitative and consultative problem-solving skills, Doug specializes in helping the C-suite uncover and overcome organizational obstacles to dramatically improve employee engagement by enhancing culture and effectiveness. An engaging keynote speaker, Doug is also co-author of The Enthusiastic Employee 2nd Edition (2013).

Doug is also a noted lecturer. Past engagements include: American Society for Quality Control, Columbia University, BAI, The Conference Board, The International Benchmarking Clearinghouse, The Institute for International Research and Society for Human Resource Professionals, American Psychological Association, Society for Human Resource Management, HRPAO, METRO, Organizational Resource Forum, University of Greenwich: Human Capital, and many others.

In addition to running Small Cap Survey & Consulting, he co-facilitates at an exclusive leadership learning program for executives with its founder Henry Givray.

Doug was previously the President and Chief Leadership Advisor at Sirota (since purchased by Mercer).

More Info on Doug can be found here:

Feb 17, 2021

5:00 PM

Online workshop

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